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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Fruitful School Opens Its Doors

*Classes Have Started with Beginning of School Year

The Shine English Medium School offers quality education for disadvantaged children. Designed as a boarding school, it operates on a daily basis at first. Learning conditions are still somehow provisional, but the opening of the new school is an important step forward at the Fruitful Orphanage project. For the students, it is the chance to regularly attend a registered school – a prerequisite for later studies or vocational training.

The fashionable roof tops of the new school are covered with crimson tiles, some of them equipped with solar panels, the walls of the neat buildings plastered in light yellow.

The students in their pretty blue and white school uniforms and violet track-suits are enjoying their leisure at the playground, swinging, riding carousel, enga-ging in ball games.

They undoubtedly rejoice at their newly gained opportunities, too. To learn at the new regular school constitutes for them the indispensable foundation to study later at a college or participate in professional training.

With the beginning of the new school year, the Shine English Medium School in Kikwe, Arusha Region, has opened as a fully registered school, offering high-quality education from preparatory and primary to prospective secondary levels. With the friendly, pleasant aspect of its premises, its bright, spacious class rooms painted in a delightful rose-colour, the new school of the Fruitful Orphanage provides the „conducive learning and teaching environment“ it has promised in its statutes.

Important advancement in school project

Certainly, this is a great achievement and important step forward in realizing the challenging project of the Fruitful Orphanage to guarantee good schooling for all of its charges and underprivileged children from low budget families in the surrounding areas.

“We are now operating as a day school, but our vision is to have boarding (school) from baby to secondary“, explains Isaac John Sumary, director of the Fruitful Orphanage, who has been organizing the school project together with his team since its launch in 2018.

“He is proud of the success they have so far reached despite the permanent insecurity of funding they have been facing. And he is grateful for all the support that they have received in the process of construction during the past few years from friends and sponsors in Tanzania and abroad: “Thanks to all of our sponsors for bringing this amazing project to reality“.

“Our services are excellent and we have good teachers with long-term teaching experience who will also make your child want to love education all the time”, advertises Sumary on Facebook the educa-tional programme offered by the Shine English Medium School. He encourages all parents who are willing to school their children in 2022 to enroll them at the new educational institution. The Fruitful Orphanage project particularly aims at helping disadvantaged families who otherwise would have difficulties to afford the school attendance for their kids.

Conditions at new school still somehow provisional

In fact, the present conditions of the new school remain still in a somewhat provisional manner. Most urgently needed is a school van, new or second-hand, as a means of transport to get the Fruitful Orphanage children comfort-tably and in an uncomplicated way to school and take them back to the care centre again. At the moment, the organizers of the project have to hire a car with a too limited capacity to seat all the students.

In addition, some of the class rooms can´t really be used for school lessons yet, because they are missing furniture, like chairs and school benches. Also, the teaching material, i.e. school- and grammar-books, dictionaries, etc., is still insufficient in amount and variety, and more technical equipment vital for modern schooling, like computers, laptops or project-tors, is required.

Further support from friends and sponsors needed

To permanently ensure enough energy supply, more facilities would be necessary as well, for instance windmills, solar systems, or batteries. Furthermore, there are several class rooms the building of which has yet to be finished, and more school houses, dormitories, and an administration office are, accor-ding to the plans, yet to be constructed to complete the design of the future boarding school.

“We still need much power to move forward“, Sumary points out, „so we would like to welcome all friends who would be happy to support us“. Therefore, he and his Fruitful Orphanage team are requesting to share the information about the school with as many groups as possible. They are seeking both financial and material support from friends and donors as well as organizations and companies to further promote the progress of the construction.

“You can support a project or sponsor a kid into our school for the better development“, says the Fruitful Orphanage director. „Any donation will be much appreciated.“

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